AM - Meant to only run 12, but had to do some backtracking that added 1.5 miles so total 13.5 miles. Started off slow (uphill for 5 miles), ran around Ken's Lake and back into Spanish Valley. The last 4 miles was fun b/c it was about 2% downhill and fast. Picked it up to marathon 6:15 pace for about 30 minutes, which made me feel strong. PM - Hiked 3 miles to Fisher Towers. Wow! They are so tall! Started to feel a little fatigued from all the activity and miles for the last few days. After eating lunch, we did some 4WDing on Onion Creek Road up to the Onion Creek Narrows for a 2 mile hike. Another great day. Drove back to SLC in the evening. 
