Fast Running Blog

General Category => Running => Topic started by: Superfly on February 07, 2008, 10:40:23 am

Title: Del Sol Training, Prep, and What have you
Post by: Superfly on February 07, 2008, 10:40:23 am
I've had some ideas bouncing around in my head about some training ideas and advice for first time relay runners or others who have ran them before but could use some tip's. So I'll post a few of my thoughts and others can share as well.

1. Practice doing tempo runs in the dark. At least one of your legs will be in the middle of the night and theres a little more to racing in the dark as opposed to just doing your daily miles in the morning before the sun comes up. Judging you pace is very hard; especially on an unknown route.
2. Study your route off of the race bible. Knowing what kinds of turns, streetlights, roundabouts, and whatever else you may have on your legs is very helpful- most importantly on you night leg.
3. We all know that everyone needs a reflective vest... but some are more comfortable to run in than others. Try to find one that fits you snug and isn't bouncing all around. I bought a new one that is just like straps around your body (very comfortable).   (xinglet)
4. Plan accordingly: Bring plenty of $$$ just in case so your not caught making others carry your burdens.
5. Most importantly let's be ready to have some fun. Last year was a blast racing with Google and hanging with other running freaks. So bring your "A" game of humor and we'll be good to go.

I'm not a expert by any means but I thought I'd share some of the things I learned last year in the two relay's I ran. I do have a few more things but this should be enough to get the ball rolling and maybe others will mention and cover it better than I could.

God Speed!

Title: Re: Del Sol Training, Prep, and What have you
Post by: jtshad on February 07, 2008, 10:48:16 am
Clyde, thanks for the post and suggestions.  Most of these items I have already done/or are looking forward to doing.   I have done a look of hard early morning runs in the dark (looks like my leg will be at about the time of my normal early run...however this will be coming of off running hard at 9pm the previous night!).

A question...have you heard any more on the accommodations that Ted mentioned in the email? 

Other questions (as I am a newbie to this big of a relay):

1) What kind of "gear" did you bring (sleeping bag, pillow, etc.)
2) How did you guys do the food/water/etc.?
3) Did you guys have shadow runners for the night legs?

Really looking forward to the Relay (and the warm weather).

Title: Re: Del Sol Training, Prep, and What have you
Post by: Superfly on February 07, 2008, 10:55:12 am
Jeff as far as me having hotel rooms... I don't. I know Ted mentioned I might but it didn't work out this year. So we'll have to get together on some and split it up. I know some guys are planning on staying at some of the bloggers houses in the PHX area. As far as during the race yes bring a sleeping bag and pillow and stuff like that to sleep at the major x-changes. But pack as lite as you can because room becomes an issue. Also bring your own food, fluid.... and that kind of thing.
No, we did not have shadow runners in the night. The course is marked with flashing cones and stuff to help you not take a wrong turn.

Title: Re: Del Sol Training, Prep, and What have you
Post by: Jon Allen on February 07, 2008, 11:06:31 am
Running wise, I would suggest not just doing a night run, but doing 3 runs in a row as a practice.  About 2 weeks before the race, I would do a 5-6 mile run immediately after work (i.e. 5 pm).  Then I would do another run at around 11 pm.  I would wake up at 4 am Sat morning and do a third run.  I would try to make my runs similar to the race- for example, run hills on the third run if that is what you will run in the race.  The biggest thing this does is mentally prepare you for running at night and especially after having done 2 runs within the past 12 hours.  For me, the built up fatigue is a bigger issue than just running in the dark.

Jeff- I always bring a warm sleeping bag (it can get colder at night than you think) with sleeping pad- very handy to quickly throw on a lawn somewhere if you have 1-3 hours to sleep (that is the most sleep I ever got).  I brought plenty of clothes- it is important to change out of your sweaty clothes after your run, especially before sleep (if possible).  I would always change my shirt and socks at a minimum.  I bring a beanie, too.  Extra pair of shoes, sandles to let your feet air out.  Pillow or blanket can be nice to use in the vans while driving.

Food- I don't know what Ted was planning, but I always brought my own food in the past (or bought it in Phoenix).  I like granola bars, apples, gummi bears/licorice, etc.  We would often stop at subway after the first leg so everyone could buy dinner.  I would usually bring 3-32 oz gatorade, plus a water bottle (that your teammates can hand you mid-run for a quick drink).  They usually have water at major exchanges, but bottled water or thermos in the van to fill containers is nice.

No pacers/shadow runners allowed.  You can have someone pace you on a bike at night, but I'm guessing you guys won't have this.  The only time we did it is when we had Paul and Ben both injured- one drove the suburban, one biked.  All night.  But, they weren't running in the race and we were an ultra team so we only had 3 runners in the car rather than 6.

I agree with Clyde about the importance of learning your route as best you can.  Just ask Clyde about how many turns his 2nd leg had last year, if you want to know why.

Title: Re: Del Sol Training, Prep, and What have you
Post by: Paul Petersen on February 07, 2008, 11:40:19 am
I agree with Clyde about the importance of learning your route as best you can.  Just ask Clyde about how many turns his 2nd leg had last year, if you want to know why.

Ha ha. Fortunately, they have "fixed" Clyde's old leg for this year, so it is a completely different leg, with very few turns.

Other tips:
Be mentally ready for "surprises". Surprises such as the leg being short/long/rerouted. Sometimes the race directors are forced to make "day of" changes due to oversight, misplaced portapots, unexpected events, or various Acts of God. For instance, the Great River Relay took place just a few weeks after the Minneapolis bridge collapse...the course was supposed to go directly under that bridge. Obviously they had to scrap a substitute together. Anyway, be mentally prepared for anything. Always follow the signs.

Being extremely fit is the best training tip for these things. Running at night or doing doubles/triples are all fine and good, but if you are in killer half marathon or marathon shape, you will handle the race just fine.

Finally, at major exchanges use the "buddy system" while sleeping. Don't just "assume" that everyone will be ready at the time you are supposed to leave. Last year we were ready to roll out of Exch 30 (literally starting to pull out) when we realized we were missing two people (who were still sound asleep) because of assumptions and mis-communication/non-communication. As a result, we were late to Clyde's exchange, he got stuck in the porta-pot, and lost 12.3 seconds to Google due to stress and neural difficulties. It was a Bummer.

Title: Re: Del Sol Training, Prep, and What have you
Post by: Adam R Wende on February 07, 2008, 08:35:04 pm
Thank you all for bringing these concerns to my attention. As a first timer I was VERY naive on what I was getting myself into. A few questions.
1.   Are the split assignments that Sasha sent out final? Is everyone running ready, are there changes?
2.   Do we each need to purchase a reflective vest? I just bought arm bands but I guess I’ll be calling Steve again? Scratch that I just e-mailed him anyway better safe than sorry but if someone wants to share the one I just ordered I’d be more than willing.
3.   Has anyone done a list of estimated times (time of day) for each of the exchanges?
4.   My adrenaline is pumping just thinking about this thing! I’m ready to roll…

Title: Re: Del Sol Training, Prep, and What have you
Post by: Jon Allen on February 07, 2008, 09:41:08 pm
I can't answer most of the questions, but I can answer the reflective vest.  You need 2 vests and 2 headlamps for the whole team.  So there is no need for you to go buy one just for this.  We usually ended up with 2 per van, which worked fine.  Just alternate.  Headlamps are more useful at 1 per person, so you can see during the night and in port o potties.  Don't forget to wear a vest if you are warming up, too.

Sasha and/or Ted should have a spreadsheet of estimated times for each exchange.  If not, I can send you one from last year and you guys can update it with names and paces for this year.

Title: Re: Del Sol Training, Prep, and What have you
Post by: Dave Holt on February 08, 2008, 08:08:17 am
So do we have enough vest then - or do I need to go and buy one?

Title: Re: Del Sol Training, Prep, and What have you
Post by: jtshad on February 08, 2008, 08:29:47 am
I have a vest for van #1 that we can use.

As far as estimates on the times, you can get a gauge of your time by looking at the "holding time" document that Ragnar recently sent out or you can see it in the Race Bible.  It shows the approximate times of the "fastest" teams hitting the exchanges if they keep on their times.  Not quite as accurate as what I guess Ted/Sasha will put together on the spreadsheet.

Anyone know if ideas for lodging for the team are firming up yet?

Title: Re: Del Sol Training, Prep, and What have you
Post by: Superfly on February 08, 2008, 08:30:18 am
Dave you can have my old one if you want it.

Title: Re: Del Sol Training, Prep, and What have you
Post by: Jon Allen on February 08, 2008, 09:23:39 am
Paul- do you have your google RDS spreadsheet that you can give them?

Title: Re: Del Sol Training, Prep, and What have you
Post by: Paul Petersen on February 08, 2008, 10:07:07 am
I gave Ted the spreadsheet.

Title: Re: Del Sol Training, Prep, and What have you
Post by: stevehooper on February 08, 2008, 10:56:13 am
Hey Guys - The Store can supply a couple reflective vests to pass around for Del Sol.

Title: Re: Del Sol Training, Prep, and What have you
Post by: Kory Wheatley on February 08, 2008, 03:33:18 pm
I as well have a nike vest that I can bring. 

One of my relay legs (18) has a gradual ascent did any of you do a lot of uphill training for your uphill legs?  I imagine the adrenaline is going to flow right before our leg, and thats a good time to take care of any business that you have to. 

Also the elevation charts from the web site did any of you see any issues where they weren't quite correct?

Title: Re: Del Sol Training, Prep, and What have you
Post by: Paul Petersen on February 08, 2008, 04:59:25 pm

Also the elevation charts from the web site did any of you see any issues where they weren't quite correct?

As far as I know, all of the maps and elevation charts are absolutely perfect. Whoever made them must be very handsome.

Title: Re: Del Sol Training, Prep, and What have you
Post by: Jon Allen on February 08, 2008, 05:30:01 pm
As far as I know, all of the maps and elevation charts are absolutely perfect. Whoever made them must be very handsome.
And humble!

Kory, I did that leg last year (18).  It isn't a bad hill- kind of gradual up the whole way but not enough to kill all momentum.   Plus, you will do it in the dark so you can't see how far you have to go.  It was shorter than I thought it would be and I beat my predicted time by a minute or two.  Just run hard and you will fly, and pass tons of teams!  It will be your first leg where you pass teams, and lots of the runners seem to think they need to run very slow up the hill.

I just looked at your legs and can't believe your 3rd leg- it is incredibly easy!  Last year it was a lot longer and had a large uphill, killer downhill, then rolling hills.  Now leg 30 is the absolute easiest Ragnar leg I have ever seen!  By far!  You should be able to finish it in under 11 minutes, easy!

Your first leg is pretty fun- the highway part wasn't my favorite, but then you turn off and get some good uphills and downhills, finishing with a nice down.  Enjoy it.

Title: Re: Del Sol Training, Prep, and What have you
Post by: James Barnes on February 08, 2008, 07:33:24 pm
I have three vests and two headlamps I will bring.  I will keep one of each for myself and the others are extras. 

Jon and Paul, You know you will miss being with us!

Title: Re: Del Sol Training, Prep, and What have you
Post by: Kory Wheatley on February 09, 2008, 09:20:38 am
As far as I know, all of the maps and elevation charts are absolutely perfect. Whoever made them must be very handsome.
And humble!

Kory, I did that leg last year (18).  It isn't a bad hill- kind of gradual up the whole way but not enough to kill all momentum.   Plus, you will do it in the dark so you can't see how far you have to go.  It was shorter than I thought it would be and I beat my predicted time by a minute or two.  Just run hard and you will fly, and pass tons of teams!  It will be your first leg where you pass teams, and lots of the runners seem to think they need to run very slow up the hill.

I just looked at your legs and can't believe your 3rd leg- it is incredibly easy!  Last year it was a lot longer and had a large uphill, killer downhill, then rolling hills.  Now leg 30 is the absolute easiest Ragnar leg I have ever seen!  By far!  You should be able to finish it in under 11 minutes, easy!

Your first leg is pretty fun- the highway part wasn't my favorite, but then you turn off and get some good uphills and downhills, finishing with a nice down.  Enjoy it.

Thanks Jon that information and knowledge of the course helps.  I do train on hills once a week and I do okay.  These hills are a lot steeper but I don't go  blazing fast up them either.  Also that downhill will be fun, because I do a lot of downhill in my runs as well.  With your guys experience, will make us first timers feel relaxed and confident. Thanks again.

Title: Re: Del Sol Training, Prep, and What have you
Post by: James Winzenz on February 09, 2008, 01:07:14 pm
'nother question - although I am not running this year, I am lucky enough to be one of the drivers for the team.  I would like to know if the splits (and vans) have been assigned yet so that I can look at the legs I will be driving and be fully prepared.  Ted, can you answer this question?

Title: Re: Del Sol Training, Prep, and What have you
Post by: James Winzenz on February 09, 2008, 01:10:23 pm
Oooh, another question - is there any way to have some FRB banners/stickers for the vans printed?  This would look awesome, I think.  I am sure everyone recognizes VanGoGo, but I don't think anyone has seen my van.

Title: Re: Del Sol Training, Prep, and What have you
Post by: Paul Petersen on February 09, 2008, 01:55:25 pm
...don't know about FRB/St. Geo, but I can guarantee each van will sport 2x Marathon GIS magnets!

Title: Re: Del Sol Training, Prep, and What have you
Post by: Michelle Lowry on February 11, 2008, 08:59:03 pm
Just skip the FRB and call them the geek mobiles ! 

 :'( (You might tell I am just jealous I don't get to go).

Title: Re: Del Sol Training, Prep, and What have you
Post by: Ted Leblow on February 13, 2008, 10:04:32 am
Ok, I apologize for not getting more updates out. Work and life has gotten in the way. I will finalize plans and such this week and get more information out. We will finalize travel plans and accommodation's and make sure everyone is tracking on food, vests etc... It sounds like the vests are not an issue but there are other items I will finalize with everyone. As far as leg assignments go I have a few adjustments to make based off of more recent fitness data from races, injuries, etc... I will use Paul's awesome spreadsheet and get that taken care of as well. I feel bad as I have been injured and am probably going to be the slowest runner on the team. I guess I am willing to give up my spot if there is a faster runner ready to go but I think I can at least be ready to run 5:40 pace by then on the shorter legs. Again, I will get more information out this week for sure.

Thanks for everyones patience and understanding. This trip should be a blast.

Title: Re: Del Sol Training, Prep, and What have you
Post by: Paul Petersen on February 13, 2008, 10:39:54 am
Ted - make sure you update the spreadsheet with the most current leg distances. Leg 29, 30, and 31 changed last week.

Title: Re: Del Sol Training, Prep, and What have you
Post by: jtshad on February 13, 2008, 12:27:18 pm
Ted, thanks for taking a lead on this and keeping it going.  Looking forward to the event and running with everyone.  Farm out things that others can do if needed (I could prepare a phone list, etc.) to take some of the burden off of just you.

Title: Re: Del Sol Training, Prep, and What have you
Post by: Sean Sundwall on February 13, 2008, 02:07:25 pm
I am reserving a room for one night -- the night of the 28th -- near the airport. It has two queen beds. I'm fine stuffing as many people in it as possible.

Title: Re: Del Sol Training, Prep, and What have you
Post by: Sean Sundwall on February 13, 2008, 02:09:20 pm
Also, my experience with Hood to Coast was that since we're a fast team, you have a very good chance of running two of your three legs in the dark.

However, I did no special training for H2C and did just fine. We all run in the dark all winter long so I wouldn't worry too much about the darkness issue.

Also, I will be bringing my headlight. It's a good one and we can pass it around. H2C required each runner run with a light in addition the reflective vest. So we should have at least two headlamps.

Title: Re: Del Sol Training, Prep, and What have you
Post by: jtshad on February 14, 2008, 08:20:27 am
I could also book a room on Feb. 28 and or Mar. 1 at a government rate in the Phoenix area (currently running about $130-160) that several of us could share.

Title: Re: Del Sol Training, Prep, and What have you
Post by: Sasha Pachev on February 14, 2008, 11:42:52 am
It would be very helpful to have two PDA's that can open Excel spreadsheets so we can upload Paul's magic spreadsheet on both and keep them in both vans so we can estimate arrival times at exchanges better.

Title: Re: Del Sol Training, Prep, and What have you
Post by: Adam R Wende on February 14, 2008, 11:53:51 am
Ted (and everyone else for that matter), Thank you for the help and effort in advising and planning this. Also, when you get Paul's spreadsheet updated would you e-mail it out to the team? Thanks

Title: Re: Del Sol Training, Prep, and What have you
Post by: James Winzenz on February 15, 2008, 01:04:38 pm
I have a PDA that will open Excel spreadsheets - I will make sure I bring it with me.

Title: Re: Del Sol Training, Prep, and What have you
Post by: Shauna on February 20, 2008, 11:03:31 am
Hi everyone,
I had previously volunteered my house if anyone needs to crash.  The invitation is still open, but I need to know how many people and what nights you will be staying, etc.  We have three extra bedrooms, only one with a bed though, and enough room in the living room to sleep a few people.  I would say we can cram 8 people in our house.  We are remodeling our master bath, so my husband and I will be sharing the only other bathroom with all of you.  He and I can always go to the gym to shower, if necessary.  If anyone wants to email me directly about this, my email is

By the way, we live in north-central Phoenix, about 15 minutes north of the airport.  Wickenburg is about 60 miles northwest of central Phoenix, and Scottsdale is about 20 minutes from our house (northeast). 

Please let me know the plans ASAP so I can make the appropriate arrangements.  I'm looking forward to meeting all of you!

Title: Re: Del Sol Training, Prep, and What have you
Post by: Tom on February 27, 2008, 08:33:37 am
Hey good luck to you guys down at Del Sol. We're all looking forward to hearing the race reports and seeing you guys dominate down there.

Title: Re: Del Sol Training, Prep, and What have you
Post by: Jon Allen on February 27, 2008, 11:51:00 am
Yes, good luck to everyone.  And on behalf of last year's team- beat Google!

Title: Re: Del Sol Training, Prep, and What have you
Post by: Superfly on February 27, 2008, 02:27:46 pm
Where's Google?

Title: Re: Del Sol Training, Prep, and What have you
Post by: Cody Draper on February 27, 2008, 08:42:47 pm
Where's Google?
I love it!  Good Luck and keep us posted of the results!!!

Title: Re: Del Sol Training, Prep, and What have you
Post by: Jeff Frodsham on February 28, 2008, 10:47:13 pm
Good luck Del Sol team!

Title: Re: Del Sol Training, Prep, and What have you
Post by: jtshad on March 06, 2008, 08:44:10 am
Steve H, you need to put some of your pics out for the team to see for memory sake!  How does the video look?