I heard about a doc in Bountiful who does a full gait training analysis. Dr. Betteringer. You are videoed running barefoot and also in your normal training shoes. There are stickers all down the muscles on the back of your legs, ankles, hips, and back. Videos are done from both sides, front, and back. Very complete! I did it and then met with the doctor. I did this because of chronic groin, hip injuries. What he found was I run sort of like on a tightrope. Very straight line. Also abductors are very weak. I am a toe runner, with some midfoot strike which is okay. Doc recommended a PT in SLC who does gait training. I have been doing it for over a week now and wonder ...
For PT, he focuses on strengthening the weak muscles by providing great exercises. Then I run on a treadmill for 30 mins to a metrnome at 180 footstrikes per minute. He videos while I do this. I do this 3/x per week. During the program, I am not allowed to run outside of PT as they are trying to get the form assimilated by me. Suprisingly, running after 30 mins of PT exercises is VERY hard. Even at a steady training pace.
Has anyone done this and if so, what are your thoughts? Should a gait be altered? So far, its just the footstrikes per minute. What about only running this little. The program is 8 visits and I am half way thru. I worry about loosing fitness! I have been cross training, but not enough to equal running mileage.