I want to buy my father in law a HR monitor for Christmas.
He's a track guy, does almost all of his running on the outdoor track or the indoor one in the winter. About 30 mpw, concentrating on the 400m for master's nationals and other races.
I believe that all he'd want would be an instantaneous readout of his HR (no need for a record, since he really doesn't run much distance at all), as well as a stopwatch so he could do his lap times and splits without having to have a second device.
http://www.amazon.com/Polar-RS100-Heart-Monitor-Stopwatch/dp/B000FW3Z6Oor maybe
http://www.amazon.com/Timex-Ironman-Trainer-Heart-Monitor/dp/B001GWWCJ8/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=hpc&qid=1291048250&sr=1-1Any advice? I haven't used a HR monitor in almost a decade, and there seems to be an enormous variation in price even among the non-GPS models.