Fast Running Blog

General Category => Random Stuff => Topic started by: Paul Petersen on December 13, 2008, 05:26:13 pm

Title: History of the FastRunningBlog
Post by: Paul Petersen on December 13, 2008, 05:26:13 pm
I thought some folks would get a kick out of this. There is a website called "WayBackMachine" that archives other websites. It's got snapshots of the Fastrunningblog as far back as June, 2006. You can even see what the blog list looked like back in those days.  Just a few dozen members back then (including yours truly). I haven't had time to look at much, but thought I'd post this link for your amusement and wonder.*/ (*/

BTW - I think I liked the left navigation panel better back in 2006. Much easier to find stuff. ;-)

Title: Re: History of the FastRunningBlog
Post by: Paul Petersen on December 13, 2008, 05:32:31 pm
...more browsing...hilarious, Clyde's goal for 2006 was to run 3 or 4 marathons under 3 hours. How did that turn out? Looks like my goal was to lose 10 lbs. Also found a funny pic of Clyde jumping over the finish line at St. George, wearing headphones...

Title: Re: History of the FastRunningBlog
Post by: Superfly on December 14, 2008, 10:17:16 am
Way back when... that is some classic stuff!

Title: Re: History of the FastRunningBlog
Post by: Superfly on December 16, 2008, 08:06:46 am
You know I actually like parts of the blog better then. It was nice before Sasaha changed it to be able to see all the blogs and click through them. Now I rarely look through other blogs and I use to do it several times a day. I think the system now needs some changes... IMHO.

Title: Re: History of the FastRunningBlog
Post by: Dave Holt on December 16, 2008, 01:39:47 pm
Clyde, has your opinion ever been humble?!

Title: Re: History of the FastRunningBlog
Post by: adam on December 16, 2008, 06:15:00 pm
You know I actually like parts of the blog better then. It was nice before Sasaha changed it to be able to see all the blogs and click through them. Now I rarely look through other blogs and I use to do it several times a day. I think the system now needs some changes... IMHO.

same here. though that change did free me from the addiction of looking at everyones blogs...

Title: Re: History of the FastRunningBlog
Post by: Jon Allen on December 16, 2008, 09:27:51 pm
same here. though that change did free me from the addiction of looking at everyones blogs...

I used to look at a lot more blogs- no time, now.  I would bring up all the blogs updated in the past few days and scan, but now there are too many and I don't have enough time.  I'm sure there are some good ones I'm missing.

Title: Re: History of the FastRunningBlog
Post by: Paul Petersen on December 16, 2008, 09:46:01 pm
Yeah, I definitely waste a lot less time on the blog than before. I read a just few peoples' now, and only when I think about it.

Title: Re: History of the FastRunningBlog
Post by: Jon Allen on December 17, 2008, 07:55:31 am
Here is something I find rather interesting.  On the first date where you can see the "Last updated" log (Oct 2006), there are only 18% of bloggers that have not updated within a month.  When I joined (Feb 2007), it had increased to 32% of bloggers.  Today, 65% of bloggers have not updated within a month.  65%!!  Interesting.

There has been exponential growth during that time- 49 bloggers (Oct 06) to 100 bloggers (Apr 07) to 181 (Oct 08) to 894 bloggers today.  But there are more than 3 times as many inactive bloggers today as there were total bloggers just one year ago!  Huh.  I imagine that is part of the reason we look at fewer blogs- it is impossible to look at everyone's blog today, plus so many stop blogging that it is hard to get to know people.  I used to look at all blogs, now I very rarely venture outside 15 or so of my friends.

Title: Re: History of the FastRunningBlog
Post by: Superfly on December 17, 2008, 09:16:11 am
What he should do is make it show the old way and only post the blogs that have been updated in the last 24 hours... then you could use the filter to search out those inactive blogs if you wanted. Or start weeding out old blogs.... If it goes a period of 30 days or something with no activity then it could be removed. I don't know. It's just not as fun for me anymore. Make it fun for ME. That's a humble opinion for you Dave.

Title: Re: History of the FastRunningBlog
Post by: Paul Petersen on December 17, 2008, 09:31:59 am
Make it fun for ME.


Title: Re: History of the FastRunningBlog
Post by: Dustin Ence on December 17, 2008, 12:11:14 pm
I like Clyde's idea.  I'm like Jon, I only very rarely venture outside of my group of favorites to read other blogs, just haven't taken the time to get to know other people.  I mainly read the blogs from the St. George guys, and then sometimes other people if I have time.

Title: Re: History of the FastRunningBlog
Post by: Dave Holt on December 17, 2008, 01:54:35 pm
I like Clyde's idea.

I just like Clyde - so I had better agree as well! 
Maybe this is turning into one of those books Denton was wondering about!

Speaking of... where does the book go next?  Anyone else down here want to read it?  Clyde, do you know if Steven Abraham Lincoln Pope Hooper would? Or anyone else? 

Title: Re: History of the FastRunningBlog
Post by: Jon Allen on December 17, 2008, 02:00:09 pm
That reminds me, Dave, I have Cody's copy of Return to Carthage stashed under my bed that I still need to read.

Make sure that book gets good circulation!  Andy was generous enough to pass it around!  How did you like it, anyways?

Title: Re: History of the FastRunningBlog
Post by: Superfly on December 17, 2008, 05:36:41 pm
I think this is one of "those" books Dave.
Jon- I loved the book and it was fun to read through the drama and be able to totally relate with everything. Every emotion, feeling and breath other than being that fast.

Title: Re: History of the FastRunningBlog
Post by: Dave Holt on December 17, 2008, 08:20:30 pm
It was nuts - I wonder if a miler really goes that crazy with mileage, though?  A marathoner, sure and more.  But a miler?  Does anyone know if an Olympic caliber miler would go 130, 140 + miles/week?  My favorite chapter is the one on Demons - in fact I am changing my blog title if I ever get around to it.

Title: Re: History of the FastRunningBlog
Post by: Dave Holt on December 17, 2008, 08:21:29 pm
Oh... and Dustin said he is ready for a good read, so I'll pass it along to him and then maybe when someone comes down for Painter's or something we'll move it along.

Title: Re: Newbie question Aided/Un-Aided
Post by: Paul Petersen on December 18, 2008, 02:22:20 pm
Your lecture would make more sense if you posted it in the appropriate thread. It takes 3 seconds.

Title: Re: Newbie question Aided/Un-Aided
Post by: Jon Allen on December 18, 2008, 02:27:45 pm
Your lecture would make more sense if you posted it in the appropriate thread. It takes 3 seconds.

 ;)  It made me smile, Paul.  But should we be worried that we both knew which thread he meant to post in?

Title: Re: Newbie question Aided/Un-Aided
Post by: Paul Petersen on December 18, 2008, 02:29:43 pm
;)  It made me smile, Paul.  But should we be worried that we both knew which thread he meant to post in?

I'm not worried, since I started the other thread.

Title: Re: Newbie question Aided/Un-Aided
Post by: Superfly on December 18, 2008, 03:19:05 pm
LOL. Yeah 3 seconds and you'd be in the right place.

I don't have the numbers for you but I'm sure since you changed it a few months ago people are not spending as much time on the blog... which can't be good overall. Several of us use to live on here and now rarely come on.... If it was my blog I'd feel like that was less effective... IMHO again.

Title: Re: History of the FastRunningBlog
Post by: Sasha Pachev on December 18, 2008, 04:11:26 pm
Sorry about the confusion. Good thing about databases is that one query can move several posts at once where they should be.

I am not sure if I want people living on the blog, either. Enter your workout, check if anybody is requesting help on the message board, and move on to do something that pays the bills. I am perfectly happy with that.

Clyde - as far as commercial interest is concerned, having the blog at all has been less effective and will be even more so in the next few years. I do not think we will get out of the economic recession for a while if ever. But the blog still has some value, so I'll keep it around. However, I cannot afford spending hours and hours of work on things that do not make a whole lot of difference. If people who really care to do so are able to enter workouts, and get help with their training, that's good enough.

Title: Re: History of the FastRunningBlog
Post by: Paul Petersen on December 18, 2008, 04:20:09 pm
No, we runners are nerdy enough as it is, so it's better not to a cyber-geek to boot. In all reality, I'm pretty happy with the blog as it is. The purpose of starting this thread was for sheer nostalgia to back when things were simple and very, very small. With more and more users coming on board, it's natural to lose some of that "familiness", and also normal for people to start demanding more and more stuff (features, etc.).

Title: Re: History of the FastRunningBlog
Post by: Jon Allen on December 18, 2008, 05:09:22 pm
I want the blog to do my workouts for me!!!

Title: Re: History of the FastRunningBlog
Post by: Paul Petersen on December 18, 2008, 05:14:45 pm
I want the blog to do my workouts for me!!!

Yeah, and why is it so cold out?!

Title: Re: History of the FastRunningBlog
Post by: Burt McCumber on January 10, 2009, 03:46:41 pm
Paul, your next entry will be your 500th.  I hope it is a Shakespearean masterpiece.

Title: Re: History of the FastRunningBlog
Post by: Paul Petersen on January 12, 2009, 09:38:33 am
Holy Moly, I'm a Cyber Boltun! Is that like a robotic Michael Boltun? I'm now Sasha's equal, so I don't know where to go from here...

Title: Re: History of the FastRunningBlog
Post by: Jon Allen on January 12, 2009, 11:21:39 am
Welcome to the elite group.  I don't expect we will get a 4th member for many months.

What is a Cyber Boltun, anyways?

Title: Re: History of the FastRunningBlog
Post by: Paul Petersen on January 12, 2009, 12:44:07 pm
What is a Cyber Boltun, anyways?

I assume it's a chatty Russian woman or something like that.

Title: Re: History of the FastRunningBlog
Post by: Michelle Lowry on January 13, 2009, 02:01:34 pm
Just testing how many posts I have to date

Title: Re: History of the FastRunningBlog
Post by: Michelle Lowry on January 13, 2009, 02:02:12 pm
Ok, up to 319 have some work to do ;D

Title: Re: History of the FastRunningBlog
Post by: Superfly on January 13, 2009, 03:43:23 pm
I'm way back there.

Title: Re: History of the FastRunningBlog
Post by: Jon Allen on January 13, 2009, 05:09:55 pm
Top 10: 
  Sasha Pachev        780   
  Jonathan Allen       624   
  Paul Petersen        502   
  Michelle Lowry       319   
  Josse                   316   
  adam                   264   
  Adam R Wende      253   
  James Winzenz      234   
  Superfly                155   
  Kory Wheatley       153   

Title: Re: History of the FastRunningBlog
Post by: Superfly on January 14, 2009, 06:48:31 am

Title: Re: History of the FastRunningBlog
Post by: Superfly on January 14, 2009, 06:48:51 am

Title: Re: History of the FastRunningBlog
Post by: Superfly on January 14, 2009, 06:49:07 am

Title: Re: History of the FastRunningBlog
Post by: Superfly on January 14, 2009, 06:49:34 am
I'm just trying to get up the list faster :)

Title: Re: History of the FastRunningBlog
Post by: Eric Day on January 14, 2009, 09:20:19 am
So this is how we climb the ladder?

Title: Re: History of the FastRunningBlog
Post by: Jon Allen on January 14, 2009, 11:04:03 am
What Clyde is doing is called inflating his post total.  Legal, but somewhat lame  :P (No offense, Clyde, we all do it, especially me  :))

Title: Re: History of the FastRunningBlog
Post by: Dustin Ence on January 14, 2009, 11:55:07 am
I need to see what level I'm at?

Title: Re: History of the FastRunningBlog
Post by: Dustin Ence on January 14, 2009, 11:58:32 am
Looks like I'm just a Lurker.

Title: Re: History of the FastRunningBlog
Post by: Paul Petersen on January 14, 2009, 12:48:02 pm
Three more posts and you can be a Vocal Lurker

Title: Re: History of the FastRunningBlog
Post by: Jon Allen on January 14, 2009, 01:05:14 pm
You can also check where you are by clicking on the Members button at the top of this page.  But you aren't padding your stats that way.

Title: Re: History of the FastRunningBlog
Post by: Dustin Ence on January 14, 2009, 01:46:28 pm
I'm all about the stats, actually I've kind of been out of the running/blogging loop lately.