Fast Running Blog

General Category => Training Review Requests => Topic started by: Eric Day on October 24, 2008, 07:31:59 pm

Title: Help with training program coming from an injury
Post by: Eric Day on October 24, 2008, 07:31:59 pm
In march I suffered from aquilles tendon -tendonitis. Right now I'm doing a little over 20k per week and feeling better slowly. Before (and after) every run I do plenty of stretching. After run and at night I apply cold ice pack to the tendon.  A couple of months ago, we I got up from bed, I could hardly walk, felt like weak ankle-tendon. Now I feel better but the pain is much milder but still there.
Any ideas on how to get better faster?

Title: Re: Help with training program coming from an injury
Post by: Sasha Pachev on October 25, 2008, 12:19:20 pm
Cross train in addition to the limited running you are able to do. Cross-country skiing, aqua-running, elliptical, rowing, bike, swimming would be my order of preference. Remember to be patient, do not force it, there is no hurry, you've got your whole life ahead of you.

Title: Re: Help with training program coming from an injury
Post by: Eric Day on October 25, 2008, 12:29:16 pm
Thanks Sasha. By Cross train do you mean the other exercises you mentioned? Have to ask, my english is not perfect (I'm in Mexico).
Also, what would be a normal recuperation rate for aquilles tendon problems?

Would you considered OK to keep doing 10K races? I have one next weeked and another almost at the end of Nov.  These races offer a lot of motivation in order to continue the running...

Title: Re: Help with training program coming from an injury
Post by: Sasha Pachev on October 25, 2008, 02:38:47 pm
Eric - yes, that's what cross-training means. If you ever feel limited by English, feel free to post in Spanish. Muchos corredores aqui hablan Espaņol. Sin embargo, pienso y toco demasiado despasio in espaņol y con bastante errores  tambien y por eso voy a usar ingles.

If you can get through a race without making your injury worse, go ahead. But be cautious. Start out slower, and listen to your body.

Title: Re: Help with training program coming from an injury
Post by: Eric Day on October 25, 2008, 06:40:39 pm
Ha! Good spanish, Where did you learn it? I learned my english through my parents, they're canadian but lived in mexico for over 40 years.
By the way...I think that by 'toco' you meant 'escribo' (type).

Felicidades a todos los corredores por alla que hablan espanol. Animo y adelante. La mejor inspiracion se logra por el ejemplo de los demas.

Title: Re: Help with training program coming from an injury
Post by: Sasha Pachev on October 27, 2008, 04:04:23 pm

Gracias. Lo aprendi  leyendo el Libro de Mormon en espaņol y hablando con mis vecinos aqui en Provo, Utah. Mi idioma natal es ruso. La diferencia de ruso y ingles  es bastante grande que para mi despues de aprender ingles espaņol fue bastante facil - parecio un dialecto de ingles.