Fast Running Blog

General Category => Running => Topic started by: allie on September 09, 2008, 07:51:49 pm

Post by: allie on September 09, 2008, 07:51:49 pm
I am sure this has come up for discussion before, but I just want to know what people who have used CYTOMAX in training and races think about this stuff. Is it really any better than gatorade? and do you think what it claims is true... i.e. "lowers lactic acid level by 40%" "stabilizes power output" "reduces perceived exertion" "reduces oxygen consumption rate (more VO2-max remaining) at the same performance level" etc, etc.

If this is all true, I can't imagine why everyone doesn't use it. So for those who have, did you notice a difference? I know many elite/Olympic runners use it; Deena Kastor is an example. I bought some small sample packets today to try during my workouts over the next couple of days. If I really notice a difference, I will probably stash some along the TOU course. Otherwise, I am fine with the free gatorade at the aid stations. Let me know your opinions!!!!!

Title: Re: CYTOMAX
Post by: Superfly on September 09, 2008, 07:57:14 pm
I've used it for years. I love the stuff. However it's kind of my little secret. I don't think you'll really notice a big difference in just one or two workouts but it does work. I've used it the last three years during the STG marathon. You just reminded me... I'm out and need to go grab some!

Title: Re: CYTOMAX
Post by: Sasha Pachev on September 09, 2008, 09:30:54 pm
To see if it really makes a difference, wait until you reach a plateau in your fitness, and then try tempo runs on the same course at the same time of day with the same fatigue level both with or without Cytomax.

Title: Re: CYTOMAX
Post by: Dustin Ence on September 09, 2008, 10:01:36 pm
I've used Cytomax the last two years at St. George and believe it has helped me.  I have also used SportBeans, which I know a lot of people say stay away from mixing Sports Drinks and GU's, SportsBeans, etc.  Anyway, I've found the combination to work ok for me. (Cytomax, SportsBeans, but I'm still a rookie at running marathons)  I struggle with taking GU's but have learned to force them down usually near a water stop.  I can handle most GUs if taken with water.

Title: Re: CYTOMAX
Post by: James Winzenz on September 09, 2008, 11:13:20 pm
I am a big fan of doing what you are used to and what your body can handle.  I only drink gatorade, plus I take gels on my long runs, so I just drink the gatorade at the aid stations and take gels with me.  The most important thing is - if you are going to do it, make sure your body can handle it, and then get used to doing it.  Don't try something new just before a big race.  The end result could be less than desirable.

Title: Re: CYTOMAX
Post by: Kory Wheatley on September 10, 2008, 10:23:27 pm
I've heard from several that this is better than Gatorade and Powerade.  I need to breakdown and try it.  I like the new gatorade G2 stuff.

Title: Re: CYTOMAX
Post by: adam on September 11, 2008, 06:46:08 am
reduces percieved exertion: just about anything can do that if you believe it shoes, new shirt, old shirt, smelly socks, headphones, cheering crowds...thats why its a "percieved" exertion.

as for the 40 % reduction in lactic acid: first, lactic acid build up is not necessarily a bad thing. more and more studies show its has more positive effects during exercise than negative ones we normally want to associate with it. Second, the lactic acid reducers probably last only a short period of time (ok for a 3000m race or so), since 40% reduction would be quite high, and the concentration of the reducer found in the drink would also have to be very high or effecient in order to maintain a 40% constant reduction for a duration of a longer race.

That being said, if you like it use it. But, make sure you practice with it more to where you completely trust the drink for your race. You never know how the drink will hit you at mile 20 unless you've been there before.

Title: Re: CYTOMAX
Post by: Marcie J. on September 11, 2008, 06:39:25 pm
Does Steve carry it at the store? If not where do you get it in SG?

Title: Re: CYTOMAX
Post by: Superfly on September 12, 2008, 09:29:28 am
Steve doesn't carry it. I buy mine at GNC in the hall or mall I guess some call it.