Fast Running Blog

General Category => Running => Topic started by: Kory Wheatley on August 29, 2008, 04:06:56 pm

Title: Pocatello Marathon course
Post by: Kory Wheatley on August 29, 2008, 04:06:56 pm
Here's the Pocatello Marathon course that I'm going to try and run a good race and time.

That I would just share the course layout with everyone.  My strategy will be to average an overall 6:00 - 6:09 pace through the whole think.  I really need to hit the downhill portion a a good clip to achieve the goal.

Title: Re: Pocatello Marathon course
Post by: Jon Allen on August 29, 2008, 09:04:29 pm
Good luck, Kory!  Trust in your training.  And I have to say, the elevation profile looks almost identical to TOU.

Title: Re: Pocatello Marathon course
Post by: jtshad on August 30, 2008, 09:29:35 pm
Kory smoked this course folks and set a new course record by nearly 6 minutes!  He ran a superb race with some great competition (Chuck Engle, former course record holder). 

This course's second half is a bit harder than TOU.  The profile shows flat and downhill, but it is nearly all rolling hills with more up than down from my experience and the hill at 21 miles is harder than at TOU.  Plus, the downhill her only lasts until about 11 miles then it starts to roll.

A tougher course than it looks on a map.

Title: Re: Pocatello Marathon course
Post by: Josse on August 31, 2008, 10:01:16 am

A tougher course than it looks on a map.
Courses are always thougher than they appear on a map ;) 
Great job Kory!! you have broked a huge barrier.  Love the pics in the paper, esp. the one where you look like you are going to take that ladies arm off as she is handing you a water bottle.

Title: Re: Pocatello Marathon course
Post by: Kory Wheatley on August 31, 2008, 11:25:00 pm
Josse - The Lady handing me the water is my wife.  I had her hand me a bottle at a couple different areas along with Sports Beans and Gels.

Jeff -  You really nailed the half again this year, and if it wasn't for a track star there was no one that would have touched you.   Jeff really runs the rolling hills well.

Title: Re: Pocatello Marathon course
Post by: Kory Wheatley on September 03, 2008, 04:55:26 pm
I believe we can remove this topic from the Forum discussion.

Title: Re: Pocatello Marathon course
Post by: Jon Allen on September 03, 2008, 08:53:11 pm
Nah, quit being so humble, Kory.  It's not everyday you win a marathon and PR.  You deserve the publicity.  Which is exactly what you get each time we comment on this thread to bump it up.