Fast Running Blog

General Category => Running => Topic started by: Steve Morrin on June 27, 2008, 09:54:29 am

Title: Core Workouts
Post by: Steve Morrin on June 27, 2008, 09:54:29 am
I was just curious what everyone likes to do to strengthen there core (abs, pecs, etc.) Myself, I just stick to basic sit-ups and stabilizers. What sort of workouts does everyone else do?

Title: Re: Core Workouts
Post by: Joe Furse on July 02, 2008, 10:38:21 pm
One I really like is to set a time limit (like 5 or 7 min. for starters and when you get real tough try 15) and think of as many different kinds of situps/ab workouts or whatever you want to call them and then you get a watch and go for 30 seconds with each type of workout and immediately switch to the next one when 30 seconds are up and so on until you reach your time limit (you will have to pause if you are normal, but the idea is to limit them as much as possible and eventually not have to)...I had the sweetest six pack you could ask for doing that...and it made me a much stronger runner and more able to keep good posture etc etc.  but that's just one I like.  there are probably other better ones.

Title: Re: Core Workouts
Post by: Nick Miller on July 03, 2008, 08:43:47 am
Windshield wipers no doubt!

I do them with straight knees, but you can bend your knees too (in the diagram), if it is too hard. They seem to work well for me. I like to use the physio-ball, too, for any supermans/cobras or sit ups.

Title: Re: Core Workouts
Post by: WhoIsRunnerGirl on July 05, 2008, 08:27:43 am
Yoga really helps my core and some routines just for opening the back of the legs feel so good after a tough workout.

Here's my routine: (