Fast Running Blog

General Category => Running => Topic started by: Jim Flowers on May 15, 2008, 12:58:27 pm

Title: Giving Blood and Running Performance
Post by: Jim Flowers on May 15, 2008, 12:58:27 pm
Does anyone have any information on the effects of giving blood and running performance?  How much effect does is have on race times?  How long before you get back to normal? 


Title: Re: Giving Blood and Running Performance
Post by: Jon Allen on May 15, 2008, 01:57:28 pm
I can't give specific numbers.  For me, I always feel more tired for the first few days during my runs.  I always make sure I do easy runs, with no speed workouts and drink lots of water.  I imagine you are pretty much recovered after a week in terms of red blood cells, though I heard it can take up to 3 weeks to get all of them back.  I know HS and college athletes would sometimes give blood shortly before meets much to the chagrine of our coach.  I'm sure it affects their race times at least a bit, though I don't know how much.  And I would imagine that you would be more affected in longer races- for me personally, I would be very hesitant to donate blood within a month or so before a marathon (partly cause I don't want to decrease training) but would do it 2 weeks before a 10k.  No scientific basis there, just my gut feel. 

If you are trying to PR at a race, play it safe.  If you don't care about the race as much, you could probably donate a week or two before and be fine.

Title: Re: Giving Blood and Running Performance
Post by: Laurie Pope on May 19, 2008, 02:51:00 pm
I get short of breath and have a harder time running after donating, but I am  an avid donor due to the fact that blood donations have saved my brother and my mothers lives.  Plus being O- and a universal donor I feel obligated.  My strategy is to donate the following Monday or Tuesday after a race, therefore I do not have to worry about it affecting my training at all, I am already running slower/less for recovery.

Title: Re: Giving Blood and Running Performance
Post by: Dave Holt on May 20, 2008, 10:00:15 am
Our school has a blood drive in the fall and spring and usually I have a couple kids who participate and as a result see their performance hampered for about a week.  I try not to yell at them too loudly, since they are saving lives.  But I highly discourage it before big meets and races. 

Title: Re: Giving Blood and Running Performance
Post by: Jim Flowers on May 20, 2008, 07:37:41 pm
Thanks for the feedback.  I am O- as well so get a lot of calls from the Blood Center.  Probably just need to plan on giving blood around key races.

Title: Re: Giving Blood and Running Performance
Post by: Christina Robinson on May 26, 2008, 09:52:01 pm
One of my running buddies (tracy1 on the blog) is a platelet donor.  Donating platelets does not affect running performance since it does not involve red blood cells.  It is more time-consuming than red blood cell donation (it takes approx 1 to 1 1/2 hrs), but the donor center lets you pick a movie to watch while you donate!  So, this may be an option if you would like to give blood products, but do not want to hurt race times.