Fast Running Blog

General Category => Running => Topic started by: James Winzenz on May 10, 2008, 05:25:36 pm

Title: St. George Marathon Course Pacing Goals
Post by: James Winzenz on May 10, 2008, 05:25:36 pm
OK, I know lots of people are currently looking to Ogden, but now that I am all ramped up for St. George (already), I thought I would throw some pacing goals out there to see if we can get some groups of people to run together who have similar time goals for St. George.  I am really looking to finally break 3:00 this year.  With my time last year, I technically have a BQ for the 35-39 age division, so I really want to set a lofty goal for myself.  I believe that I am very much capable of this, and will have several months of 50+ mpw prior to St. George this year.  Anyone else want to throw out their time goals for SGM?  If we have another pre-race FRB pasta party, we can get together to decide where we will meet and "strategerize".  Fire away, everyone!

Title: Re: St. George Marathon Course Pacing Goals
Post by: Josse on May 10, 2008, 06:10:39 pm
You  are funny, I think it is a little to early to say for sure but I am defiantly with you on the under 3 hours.  We will see how far with my summer of  training my guts out.  To be continued........

Title: Re: St. George Marathon Course Pacing Goals
Post by: Jon Allen on May 10, 2008, 07:28:52 pm
I'm guessing there will be a large group trying to sneak under 2:30, as well.

Title: Re: St. George Marathon Course Pacing Goals
Post by: James Winzenz on May 10, 2008, 08:45:16 pm
including yourself?  ;)

Title: Re: St. George Marathon Course Pacing Goals
Post by: Tom on May 10, 2008, 09:20:11 pm
I'd like to hope sub 2:50 might be in the realm of possibility by then. But definitely sub-3.

Title: Re: St. George Marathon Course Pacing Goals
Post by: Michelle Lowry on May 10, 2008, 09:31:01 pm
Realistic goals can only be set after a couple of half marathon races.  I did tell St. George I am planning on doing a 2:45, though (no pressure!)!  I would love to break 2:47 this year, but the primary goal is sub 3:00, then as far below as my training will support.  I would also like to place.

Title: Re: St. George Marathon Course Pacing Goals
Post by: James Winzenz on May 13, 2008, 06:45:10 pm
Sounds like we already have a good sub-3:00 group here that can help each other out - at least for a while :).  I am not sure how much under 3:00 I will be capable of this year - I will have to see how my training goes.  I guess I am kind of in the same boat as the others here in terms of needing to re-define my goal after some races this summer.  Hopefully I can find some good 1/2 marathons or at least 10K's that will give me a better indication of how things are going. Sometimes I am so jealous of you Utah folks for having all those good races over the summer!