Fast Running Blog

General Category => Running => Topic started by: Hyrum on February 22, 2008, 08:52:52 pm

Title: Utah Valley Marathon
Post by: Hyrum on February 22, 2008, 08:52:52 pm
I think that everyone should come give the Utah Valley Marathon a chance.  It is true that I am the race director, but I am a runner just like all of you.  I know what runners are looking for in a race, and have been speaking with may other race directors like the Harpers among others for suggestions.  Sasha has also given me a lot of great ideas.  You can see many of the details about the race at (  The site is a work in progress as this is our first year for the race, but we have picked up some great sponsors and promise to have an incredible event.  If you have any un answered questions you are welcome to email me at:

Title: Re: Utah Valley Marathon
Post by: Jon Allen on February 22, 2008, 09:07:05 pm
I have to say that I certainly like the price of this marathon...

Title: Re: Utah Valley Marathon
Post by: Hyrum on February 22, 2008, 09:20:35 pm
We are trying to keep it affordable.  We want the sponsors to pay for the race instead of the athletes.  Also no one involved in the event is taking any kind of a wage.  It is entirely volunteer, and all proceeds are going to charity.  Unfortunatly Primary Children's decided not to allow us to donate our proceeds to them.  They have 4 big events a year (like the current radio-athon with KSL), and don't want us to take away from that.  They are worried that the costs of our race will take away from money that would have been 100% theirs if donated directly to them.  I understand their concern and tried to explain that we won't go after their current sponsors, so that it would be all new money for the hospital.  Unfortunately they are worried about their name's image, and so I am going to try to talk to the board of directors to get special permission, but if they still say no we have another charity that is towards children with cancer.  I will update you all on what happens.

Title: Re: Utah Valley Marathon
Post by: Josse on February 22, 2008, 09:38:41 pm
I think you have a great thing going here.  The only down fall to it this year is I don't think you got the word out soon enough.  Most people have already planned out their spring, summer, and fall schedules.  Stick with it and it will grow:)

Title: Re: Utah Valley Marathon
Post by: Michelle Lowry on February 22, 2008, 10:05:23 pm
I wish I could do it, I would like a shot at that money :)  If you'd like to move it to July I would be game!  (You'd move the date just for me, wouldn't you?)

Title: Re: Utah Valley Marathon
Post by: Sasha Pachev on February 23, 2008, 07:25:36 am
Hyrum - Well, live and learn. I never thought that a charity would actually refuse the money from an honorable source (I could understand it if they did not want it from something like gambling, but not from a marathon). I'd say give the money to somebody that really wants it.

For everybody - we needed a marathon in the Utah Valley for a long time, and with all the health-conscious population we have here nobody stepped up to do it up to this point. Hyrum is taking a plunge into deep waters putting on a new marathon, and to make things more difficult this is his first time ever putting on a race. I met him for the first time near the Parley's Canyon exit (around 0.8 into the race) in 2002 during the Deseret News marathon. It was one of those on the run introductions. He has a lot of a ability - he ran St. George in 2:47 at the age of 18. Those of you who are familiar with will quickly figure out that he is still not much older than that. Let's give him all the support we can in his effort. If we all join, we will have a big Utah Valley marathon in a couple of years with a few thousand people. Let's also give him encouragement in his training. I think he has a sub-2:30 or possibly faster potential if he does what it takes.

Title: Re: Utah Valley Marathon
Post by: James Barnes on February 23, 2008, 08:20:28 pm
I agree with Sasha, Utah Valley has needed a race like this for a long time.  I will give my support in running or volunteering if I am able.

Title: Re: Utah Valley Marathon
Post by: Dave Holt on February 24, 2008, 09:02:25 am
I wish it fit my schedule this year - I would rather do it than SLC.  Maybe next year; in fact, I'll do my best to make the track schedule fit so I can do it!  Keep up the great work Hyrum.

Title: Re: Utah Valley Marathon
Post by: Superfly on February 24, 2008, 09:51:53 am
I think I may run this race this year instead of Ogden.

Title: Re: Utah Valley Marathon
Post by: jtshad on February 24, 2008, 02:16:45 pm
Clyde sees the $$ signs!  I may think about this one as well since I most likely won't make SLC.

Title: Re: Utah Valley Marathon
Post by: Superfly on February 24, 2008, 05:01:32 pm
If I won the $$$ would be nice but scheduling is the first issue. However I'm still not positive on either one.

Title: Re: Utah Valley Marathon
Post by: AndyBrowning on February 24, 2008, 05:45:57 pm
I have a 21 miler scheduled on this day so I think that I am going to run it in preparation for Ogden.  I won't be in marathon shape yet but should be able to run it hard and still have time to recover for Ogden.  I wasn't going to run any marathons this year now I have 2 scheduled in the spring.  What's wrong with me?

Title: Re: Utah Valley Marathon
Post by: MikL on February 24, 2008, 09:28:08 pm
I'm rooting for Clyde to do this one since I can be there to watch (unlike Ogden). The prize money would be nice too (go Clyde!). And Hyrum, I am on the Board for a non-profit org that would be happy to take the proceeds! :)

Title: Re: Utah Valley Marathon
Post by: Hyrum on February 24, 2008, 10:56:13 pm
You guys are all great for your support.  I think I am running with Sasha in the morning.  I am pretty sure that he spoke a little too soon about me running a sub 2:30.  He will soon see.  On another note yesterday I solved the charity issue.  I spoke with a lot of people and came in contact with Sheryl Rose (BYU head coaches wife).  She is the chairman of "Children With Cancer Christmas Foundation"  The reason I like this charity is because it donates 100% of the money it recieves to families with cancer patients.  They are also all from Utah county, and the majority of them are patients at Primary Children's hospital so in a back door way I can still donate to the same location.  I prefer the patients directly get the money instead of the hospital organization any ways.  Also don't be fooled by the name of the charity...they do more than Christmas.

Title: Re: Utah Valley Marathon
Post by: Jon Allen on February 24, 2008, 11:45:45 pm
I'm kinda locked in to Ogden this year (too short of notice for UVM).  I'm interested to see what Clyde and anyone else who does it says and will consider it for next year.

Title: Re: Utah Valley Marathon
Post by: Dustin Ence on February 25, 2008, 08:58:58 am
I might consider this race.  I was planning on running Ogden, but have not signed up yet.  I'm really not in shape to run a marathon right now, but I do enjoy running on the river trail in Provo and I think it could be a fun training run.  I'm familiar with the start, and somewhat with the finish, but where does the route go once you hit Orem and Provo?

Title: Re: Utah Valley Marathon
Post by: Paul Thomas on March 11, 2008, 12:28:01 pm
Like many of the rest of you, I'm not in marathon shape quite yet, and it wasn't part of my running plans, but I'm in for the Utah Valley Marathon. How can I pass up such an awesome race that's right in my own backyard? We do the Provo River Trail run to the lake at least once every year (I love it), and I've run much of the rest of the course over the years. And you only get one chance to participate in a "1st Annual" anything. I participated in the first Wasatch Back Relay when there were only 22 teams and have participated every year since. This year there will be 500+ teams in that event. There's a special feeling about being one of the original participants. When UVM becomes popular and starts limiting field size like SGM, I'll already be on my way to the 10 year club.

Also, I don't know about you, but there have been years when I had friends training for Boston when I wasn't, and when I was training for Boston but my friends weren't. Now we can all get in the habit of training for a great April marathon every year.

Title: Re: Utah Valley Marathon
Post by: Sasha Pachev on March 11, 2008, 12:30:43 pm
Dustin - the map is available at

Title: Re: Utah Valley Marathon
Post by: Josse on March 11, 2008, 02:14:37 pm
Good point Paul,  I have been wavering on this one but I think if I just take it easy and use it for a long run I will be fine for Ogden.

Title: Re: Utah Valley Marathon
Post by: Craig Green on March 12, 2008, 09:10:19 am
Hyrum- I won't be doing it this year 'cause of Boston, but I will put it on the schedule for next year. It's not quite my backyard, but I would rather support it than Divine and the Salt Lake marathon. Have you considered a 1/2 marathon option? I think that would be HUGE in terms of popularity, especially for those that are training for Ogden. It's really tough to do 2 spring marathons, but you can easily do a spring 1/2 marathon and then turn around and do a marathon a few weeks later.

Title: Re: Utah Valley Marathon
Post by: Josse on March 13, 2008, 01:57:33 pm
I really think we should support Hyrum and sign up for one of the races, there is a 5k as well:)

Title: Re: Utah Valley Marathon
Post by: koriandjc on March 15, 2008, 01:14:28 pm
I think the race is a great idea. Unfortunately, many of us are running either Boston ( the 21st) or SLC (19th). I ran a 20 miler with Hyrum's uncle this morning and was talking with him about it. Seems they only have 26 people signed up. Ouch ! I suggest whatever advertising can be done in the next few weeks since a lot of people I have spoken with who are not running Boston or SLC don't even know about this race.
Sasha, you need to do it, the money is all yours. Nobody faster is looking at it.

Title: Re: Utah Valley Marathon
Post by: AndyBrowning on March 15, 2008, 01:20:05 pm
I'm signing up today so make it 27.  I agree that the biggest problem right now is that nobody knows about it.  If we can get the word out, there should be a good turnout next year.

Title: Re: Utah Valley Marathon
Post by: koriandjc on March 15, 2008, 01:32:29 pm
I wish it was the week before. I am going to Boston and 9 days between marathons is too close for me, unlike TOU and St. George which is doable for me. The other point is that Paul Thomas is in my age group and he is faster than me. Go Paul !!!!!. Does anybody know how we can see a list of those registered for the marathon and 5k ? I may do the 5k if there is not much competition in my age group - 45-49 y.o.
Tyler can you help me on this one ?

Title: Re: Utah Valley Marathon
Post by: Josse on March 15, 2008, 10:03:04 pm
I know that there is not very many people signed up.  You should do it, a 5k is a perfect workout the week before a marathon.  Thas is what I always do. 

Title: Re: Utah Valley Marathon
Post by: Marcie J. on March 16, 2008, 11:22:27 am
I think I may do this one, Josse do you still have comps?

Title: Re: Utah Valley Marathon
Post by: AndyBrowning on March 21, 2008, 01:46:32 pm
Does anybody know how we can see a list of those registered for the marathon and 5k ?
I am curious who is signed up as well.  Any chance we can convince Hyrum to give us a list?

Title: Re: Utah Valley Marathon
Post by: Josse on March 21, 2008, 02:38:56 pm
I am sure he wouldn't have a problem, I would go to the UV marathon website and send him a message.

Title: Re: Utah Valley Marathon
Post by: Tyler on March 25, 2008, 02:05:08 pm
Tyler can you help me on this one ?

Are you talkin' to me?