Fast Running Blog

General Category => Running => Topic started by: Becky1 on August 12, 2011, 06:06:03 pm

Title: Incredibly Sore from Downhill Running
Post by: Becky1 on August 12, 2011, 06:06:03 pm
I did the Jupiter Peak Steeplechase last weekend and am still incredibly sore a week later!  I did the downhill training and granted I am not a great downhill runner on the road, let alone a trail, but this sore a week later?  I am wondering how I can alter my training so I don't get so sore from downhill races.  Other friends of mine who did this were sore, but not this sore and we all trained together. :-\

Title: Re: Incredibly Sore from Downhill Running
Post by: Jon Allen on August 12, 2011, 07:05:58 pm

Honestly, pretty much the only thing you can do is train more on downhills.  If you do it enough, you can get basically bombproof quads.  But if you really pushed hard during the race, being sore a week later is not unheard of.  People will be sore from St George marathon or Des News for a long time, and trails are just that much steeper.  Plus your race report even says you haven't done a ton of trails this year- even adding one more trail run per week (versus your friends) can make a big difference.

A few items that might help.  First, make sure you aren't overstriding on the downhills.  Take faster, smoother steps, rather than long steps that cause you to really land on your heels.  Second, ice baths or cold soaks (in a river/lake) immediately after the race will do wonders to prevent/reduce muscle soreness.

Good luck.