Fast Running Blog

General Category => Running => Topic started by: Adam R Wende on December 13, 2007, 09:12:16 pm

Title: Very important question!
Post by: Adam R Wende on December 13, 2007, 09:12:16 pm
This caused many an arguement in college...

Title: Re: Very important question!
Post by: Jon Allen on December 13, 2007, 10:04:52 pm
I used to hate XC, preferring CC.  Now I have switched.

Title: Re: Very important question!
Post by: Scott Zincone on December 14, 2007, 02:48:28 am
When I was in high school 1984 - 1988 it was CC, with an arrow through the letters.  But over the years as I would read articles in the paper I noticed it had become XC.  I have moved to an area without Cross Country so I do not know what is generally accepted nowadays.  I also do not know if different areas of the country use one over the other.  I live in Virginia and I have seen both over the years.  But I voted for CC because that is what is printed on the old sweatshirt I still have from high school.

Title: Re: Very important question!
Post by: Adam R Wende on December 14, 2007, 06:02:00 am
Scott, I'm sorry to hear about the lack of cross-country in your area. Jon, I'm actually the opposite of you. In high school it was XC for me then in college it became CC. Partly I didn't like the connection of XC to X-mas versus Christmas. Partly because my roommate and I had a plate that had broken in half from the weight room. It broke so that when you flipped it, it looked like CC. We hung the pieces on our "running wall" in our dorm room and from then on it was CC to me...

Title: Re: Very important question!
Post by: Chris Weidman on December 14, 2007, 07:14:04 am
It was CC with an arrow through it for me as well ('76-80) and I believe it's more XC now - Hopefully Dave Holt and Jeff F can set us straight on the current.

Title: Re: Very important question!
Post by: Dave Holt on December 14, 2007, 07:40:00 am
Sorry no clear cut answer here.  As with most, this was a big debate in high school - CC was the abb. but X-Country was also accepted (But NOT XC!).  As a coach, I have always put CC on our stuff.  Now, however, the team has adopted a cheer that says "XC" in it and some confusion has come about because CC stands for one of our biggest rivals, Cedar City.  So I thought about moving to PVXC for our gear, but it is hard to go against what I was brought up with!  Huh?
But that is a "Very important questions!"!

Title: Re: Very important question!
Post by: Paul Petersen on December 14, 2007, 09:29:01 am
XC, because it looks tougher! Nothing more frightening that the letter "X"...

Title: Re: Very important question!
Post by: Logan Fielding on December 14, 2007, 09:31:21 am
Another important question: Is it X-mas or Christmas?  I have always used Christmas rather than the other.

Title: Re: Very important question!
Post by: Adam R Wende on December 14, 2007, 09:46:04 am
Paul does make a good point. I think I big bold letters accross the back of your shirt XC!!! Would send me running the other way  ;)

Title: Re: Very important question!
Post by: Paul Petersen on December 14, 2007, 10:02:40 am
Another important question: Is it X-mas or Christmas?  I have always used Christmas rather than the other.

Christmas. For the same reason. Don't want to associate Jesus with the letter "X". Rather disrespectful too.

Title: Re: Very important question!
Post by: Adam R Wende on December 14, 2007, 10:10:43 am
I agree with Paul. I've always thought of it as X-mas crossing the Christ out of the day...

Title: Re: Very important question!
Post by: James Barnes on December 14, 2007, 10:29:13 am
I hate when people write x-mas, even when they might not understand what that sybmbolizes.  It is bad enough that we have taken God out of everything else, and then we try to take Christ out of a day that was set up to remember him.  Without Christ in Christmas it becomes only a selfish and commercialized day.  Hopefully we don't do that even by accident or because of laziness.

As for Cross Country I have used both XC and CC.  I think it depends on you and other schools around.  We used CC at Bear River, but if I were in Dave's shoes I would probably use XC as not to be confused with Cedar.  I switch preferences now and then.

Title: Re: Very important question!
Post by: Jon Allen on December 14, 2007, 10:33:40 am

Title: Re: Very important question!
Post by: James Winzenz on December 14, 2007, 10:59:20 am
Paul's comment reminded me of a youth activity when I was a teen where we baked and decorated cookies, then went out and gave them to all the neighbors on the street where our church was.  Once or twice, someone in our group said "Merry X-Mas", and we ended up discussing why we should not say it.  I agree that we should refer to the holiday as Christmas to remember that it is truly about Christ and celebrating His birth, and not about anything else.  BTW, I voted for XC, 'cuz it sounded badder.   8)

Title: Re: Very important question!
Post by: Dave Holt on December 14, 2007, 11:10:13 am
I think I've been convinced to go with XC from now on. 
And of course, Christmas always.

Title: Re: Very important question!
Post by: adam on December 14, 2007, 11:40:31 am
I always liked XC over CC with the arrow because the X was just so much cooler to me in school. Especially true when I was on a small team and we didn't get much respect. Not many school sports have an X in the name, and that made us feel cool.

And Christmas always over X-mas; though the ancient christian writings use X or XP to denote Christ, which is the basis of the term X-mas. People don't use that much anymore, which is why I perfer to avoid the confusion by using Christmas.

Title: Re: Very important question!
Post by: Dustin Ence on December 14, 2007, 01:19:28 pm
I prefer XC to CC.  Though when I was in high school and more recently when coaching most of our gear had the cc with the arrow through it.

Title: Re: Very important question!
Post by: Jeff Frodsham on December 26, 2007, 07:57:37 pm
Sorry a little late. I think both CC and XC are used a lot and pretty much ether works. Like Coach Holt said, we have a cheer with XC in it but CC is used on a lot of stuff (clothes, papers). XC is easier to say and I never just say CC. I guess CC with the arrow is kind of like a tradition thing and XC is like a new cool thing. 

Title: Re: Very important question!
Post by: Kory Wheatley on January 04, 2008, 11:53:45 pm
XC just looks cooler, and you could do a better logo with that lettering.

Title: Re: Very important question!
Post by: Ruth Hilton on January 05, 2008, 07:09:30 pm
XC Forever!

Title: Re: Very important question!
Post by: Steve Morrin on June 24, 2008, 09:08:56 pm
I have to admit, some of my gear says cc, but I think that all of the devoted runners are always going to use xc. It just sounds more official.

Title: Re: Very important question!
Post by: Jon Allen on June 24, 2008, 09:29:07 pm
I think that all of the devoted runners are always going to use xc
Does that mean you aren't a devoted runner if you prefer CC?

Title: Re: Very important question!
Post by: Steve Morrin on June 24, 2008, 10:12:06 pm
No. I don't mean that. I guess I would say that on average, the more devoted runners will use xc, but not always. No offense to anyone who uses cc.

Title: Re: Very important question!
Post by: Chad on June 25, 2008, 04:20:38 pm
XC, because it looks tougher! Nothing more frightening that the letter "X"...

Which is why I'm changing my name to "Chad X"

Title: Re: Very important question!
Post by: Steve Morrin on June 25, 2008, 04:27:01 pm
Ha. That is pretty intimidating.

Title: Re: Very important question!
Post by: Kim Lee on June 25, 2008, 04:47:53 pm
XC, because it looks tougher! Nothing more frightening that the letter "X"...

Which is why I'm changing my name to "Chad X"

Change it to "X Chad" instead and you can be the all intimidating "XC"

Title: Re: Very important question!
Post by: Steve Morrin on June 25, 2008, 05:02:20 pm
Man. I wish my name started with a c. I don't think that xs has the same effect.

Title: Re: Very important question!
Post by: Bill Cobler on June 26, 2008, 10:35:50 pm
Adam, I will put a vote in for XC as well.  I just made some new t-shirts that have East in small print above a big XC with a scratching paw over the XC.  In smaller print on the bottom I did write out Cross Country.  I think they turned out nice and agree XC is tougher, but add a scratching Leopard paw on top and as the kids would say, "It's tight".

Title: Re: Very important question!
Post by: Steve Morrin on June 27, 2008, 10:23:00 am
It looks like xc has totally dominated cc in the voting. :-)