Fast Running Blog

General Category => News and Announcements => Topic started by: Blaine Hawkes on March 10, 2010, 05:56:48 pm

Title: Re: P90x for runners?
Post by: Blaine Hawkes on March 10, 2010, 05:56:48 pm
I know this an older topic, but I'd weigh in my thoughts. I have been looking for a program that I could use as a cross training core strengthening program. The first of the year I found the P90X on craigslist for about 1/2 what it is via their infomercial and said "why not..." I'm in the last phase of the program. I have noticed a HUGE difference in my stamina and core strength. I'm not as tired after the long runs and I feel like I am recovering faster. My flexibility has improved. One of the areas I have noticed a big change in is my ability to run up hills. It's been tough to balance my running and regular P90X. I struggle getting enough nutrition to do both during the day. The yoga is definitely too long. The Ab Ripper still kicks my butt even after 70 days of the program.

Title: Re: P90x for runners?
Post by: Burt McCumber on March 22, 2010, 03:54:54 pm
I got to day 10 before I stopped.  Like you say, it's hard to find the time to do both P90X and running.  I do plan on starting again soon.  I agree with you that it helps tremendously with running.  I think the plyometrics is the biggest thing that helps with hill running.  It works so many of the muscles you use for hills.
I'm a believer.