Fast Running Blog

General Category => Running => Topic started by: Jon Allen on December 29, 2009, 12:03:28 am

Title: Summary of your year in running
Post by: Jon Allen on December 29, 2009, 12:03:28 am
I'm curious how people would briefly review their year in running that they would like to share with everyone.  Specifically, maybe put a high point and low point (or favorite and least favorite, best thing and biggest mistake, etc).

For me, my high point was quite a number of good races, including finally breaking my marathon goal and having a few good trail races.  I also set my 5k PR and competed in a 50 miler for the first time.  My mileage was the highest it's ever been, and I've been relatively injury free (at least till last week).  The low point was probably not running in the mountains as much as I like during the summer.  I'll have to fix that next year.

What about you?

Title: Re: Summary of your year in running
Post by: jtshad on December 29, 2009, 08:20:32 am
A great year of running for me: 
- Stayed healthy all year
- A new mileage high
- Ran 5 marathons in five different states (Idaho, Utah, Massachusetts, Florida, Indiana)
- Won a marathon outright (Poky) and won the Master's category at 2 others
- Ran Boston with Josh Cox and Peter Reid and earned a sponsorship from PowerBar
- Set a new 10K PR
- Ran a lot with my friend's and met a few FRBer's face to face for the first time
- Had a great time combining marathons and vacations with the family

Learning opportunities:
- 5 marathons is too many!
- Getting passed in the last 10m at Indianapolis
- Need to run more hills and fast finish long runs

Title: Re: Summary of your year in running
Post by: Chris M on December 29, 2009, 08:31:05 am
I will be greedy and put in high/low points

High points: getting a PB in the half marathon from 1:27 to 1:23 and feeling that with slightly better conditions it could have been lowered even more. Probably also getting the 5km PB down to 18:22 from being over 19:00 the year before. Learning more about what does and does not work for me regarding training. Also PBs at 10km and 10miles. Training was more consistent than last year and more workouts too. Learning how long it takes for me to taper was quite useful and explained some performances.

Low points: for any distance upwards of 5km I know how to train my body to put in a good performance, but I still haven't figured exactly what is the best strategy for me to train for 5km. THe PB I mentioned in the high points came the day after I accidentally ran 10 miles (I mixed up the week of the race!). Well there is always next year, and I have some ideas about what to work on! Doing a supposed 20km race that had very poor organization and ended up being closer to 30km!

Title: Re: Summary of your year in running
Post by: Josse on December 29, 2009, 09:02:12 am
My low point is still having sciatic pain.  But I can manage it and run with it.
My high points are I got to run this year and had a PR in the marathon on limited training.  I have learned I run the best on lower mileage (60 mile a week compared to 80).  Got to run with great people, and run lots of trails with my dog (I am missing that with the snow).

Title: Re: Summary of your year in running
Post by: allie on December 29, 2009, 10:34:04 am
High point: Deseret News Marathon
Low point: Ogden Marathon

Other highlights and lowlights of 2009:

-RnR ARIZONA 1/2 marathon
-1/2 marathon PR @ Strider's WRC with an arctic wind
-Running with the Devil 1/2 marathon @ 112 degrees F
-PR in the 5K
-LDR circuit
-Discovery of Brooks Launch
-Final five mile meltdown at TOU marathon and sour end to the racing season
-Injured foot, injured shin, freak knee failure, injured hip, injured shin take two

For 2010:
Stay healthy and train smarter. Be more grateful for the opportunity to run; don't take my health for granted. Bring back the BWs. Get more sleep and eat more bananas.

Title: Re: Summary of your year in running
Post by: Paul Petersen on December 29, 2009, 11:26:43 am
I'll take a stab...

*Staying healthy for the entire year, logging over 2600 miles
*Racing 10 times this year. I love racing.
*Doing a pretty good job of balancing running with the other (more important) facets of life
*Learning the importance (and fun) of long tempo runs (10+ miles)
*Half marathon PR in Indianapolis
*Half marathon PR in Seattle, Top 5 ($$$) in a big event
*15K PR in Indianapolis (split)
*Finishing within a minute of two runners I really respect at TOU Half, plus getting a taste of running really fast
*Defending the home turf and winning TOU Marathon (probably my favorite moment of the year)
*Moving to a new town and finding all sorts of great running routes

Lowlights Learning Opportunities:
*Getting beat by almost 4 minutes at the Striders Half. Combined with the weather there, it was really not fun, but it's good to get whipped and completely humbled once in a while.
*Not kicking hard enough, and missing the Top 10 by just a few seconds in Indianapolis. I think I had it in me, but couldn't force the gear. Mental weakness.

Very few lowlights. It was a great year.

Goals for 2010:
*Stay healthy again. Improve training (both volume and quality), while still keeping running a lower priority to God, family, and work. Time-effecient!
*Beat my TOU Half time at the Indy Mini this May (sub-1:06:30)
*Break 2:19:00 at a marathon this fall.

Title: Re: Summary of your year in running
Post by: Kory Wheatley on December 29, 2009, 12:14:50 pm
High Points:

I really didn't have any but.. can try to consider these:
Mileage over 3,400 miles for the year.
Ran a good relay leg at Bone and Back in Idaho Falls.
Ran a 2:40 at the Provo Marathon when I wasn't fit or ready for it because of injury and low miles, and spending time with Jeff and his family while in Provo and SLC. That really meant more to me than the marathon time.
Best Thing: Fellowship with other FRB runner's at marathon's and on the Blog.
Spend less money traveling this year to Marathon's

Low points:
Pocatello Marathon:  being sick with a ear infection, and stomach issues while running the race.
Injury Injury ---  Achillies Tendonitis, foot pain, and food issues.
Not racing much and seeing other FRB runners.
Work really strapped me down where I couldn't do what I wanted this year.

Big Mistake
1. Probably running the Pocatello Marathon when I know I didn't feel well and my heart wasn't into it.  I knew going in that it wasn't going to be a good day.
2. Following-up last comment you should always go into a marathon with confidence even though you don't feel well.  No excuse.
3. I needed more tempo runs I felt this year.  The endurance was there but I think speed could have been more a priority.

Title: Re: Summary of your year in running
Post by: April G on December 29, 2009, 12:25:01 pm
This was a year of firsts, and the highlights are too many to count--first 10k, first half-marathon, first marathon!  First full year running, as I am a novice.  A few low points, although they were lessons more than anything--an ankle injury, plantar fascitis, a nagging sciatica issue--all of which seem to be clearing up to ring in the new year more or less injury-free.  I have a lot of appreciation for this blog and the support and advice--none of these firsts would have ever happened without it! I discovered a passion for running, a newfound awe of my Creator who can take anyone and change anything, and a deep appreciation for my supportive and loving spouse.

Title: Re: Summary of your year in running
Post by: Joe on December 29, 2009, 01:16:18 pm
Low: I started running in July and almost keeled over after 20 minutes on the TM at 10:00 pace.

High: Ran in the snow today (in Texas).  I ended up soaked and found out toward the end of my run that I had been leaking snot and/or drool the whole time but I did 4 miles at 8 min. each which was unthinkable this summer.

Title: Re: Summary of your year in running
Post by: Sasha Pachev on December 29, 2009, 03:41:41 pm
Experimental year. Experimentally discovered the limits of my resistance to injury. Learned that Crocs are OK, barefoot on grass is OK, but sprinting and jumping in Five Fingers on pavement is not.

Title: Re: Summary of your year in running
Post by: Steve P on December 29, 2009, 04:01:37 pm
  • Getting back into running and sticking with my goal to run 5 times per week all year.
  • Meeting great people on the blog.
  • Losing 25 pounds. Even though I was never "fat," I realized I could be much trimmer and healthier.
  • Seeing myself make progress all year and BQ in October. Watch out 2010!
  • Realizing that running can be an escape from the stresses of work/school.

  • Getting a little too opinionated sometimes in the discussion forum. :)
  • Nothing else, seriously.

Title: Re: Summary of your year in running
Post by: Superfly on December 29, 2009, 04:14:23 pm
Battled a bad left hammy all year... still doing so. Didn't stress much at all about "training". Ran a relaxed amount of mileage and focused more on some family stuff. Had a great time pacing a friend in the STG marathon (one of my best running memories).
Hoping to be able to race again and well in 2010. I kind of have the itch again.

Title: Re: Summary of your year in running
Post by: Eric Day on December 29, 2009, 04:42:48 pm
Interesting post!

High points:
  - First full year running.
  - First HM & first full marathon.
  - 10k PR
  - Fairly good mileage.
  - Finally got rid of my achilles tendon problem.
  - First full year non-smoking
  - Running has become a habit.

Low points
  - Couple of "low injuries"
  - Crashed in full marathon
  - Need to get back to the basics: 6 days a week, 10 miles per day.
  - Need to push until I reach the "puke zone" in races.

Title: Re: Summary of your year in running
Post by: Matthew Ricks on December 31, 2009, 01:36:18 pm
High Points:
- Ran a lot of races: One 3k, three 5k's, one 8k, three 10k's, one 10 miler, two half marathons, one 16 miler, one 17 miler, one 30k, one full marathon, one 28 miler, one 50k, and one 50 miler.
- First year running Ultras.
- Won a $1000 jewelry gift certificate at the Race for Diamonds in October.

Low Points:
- Lazy mornings when I slept in instead of going out for a run.

Title: Re: Summary of your year in running
Post by: Mike Davis on December 31, 2009, 04:52:26 pm
High points:
*Setting PR's in 5, 10, 15, and 20k races
*Several 70+ mile weeks
*Several 300+ mile months
*Highest mileage year ever - 1671

Low Points:
*Dropping out of a race (Rock and Roll Seattle)
*Doing cardio cross training in a gym
*Starting over after 6+ weeks on crutches

Lessons learned:
*Overtraining is real, even for a novice like me
*Wise up and rest when it hurts
*Suck it up and keep going when I'm tired

Goals for '10:
*Listen to my body and stay injury free
*Base this year's training on last year's stats (Garmin/Sporttracks)
*Use HRM consistently to get better stats for next year
*Set new PRs in Resolution Run Series 5-20k
*BQ at Green River Marathon 6/5/10
*Save $$ for trip to Boston in 2011

Close calls:
Make sure you're wide-awake before reaching for one of these.

Title: Re: Summary of your year in running
Post by: Jennifer Schmidt on January 01, 2010, 11:29:42 am
I like this post!

This past year, especially the last 7 months have all been high points from a running standpoint.  I have learned to run hills since moving from flat Florida to Georgia.  I have set personal bests in the 5K, 5 miler, 10K, half marathon and most recently the marathon.  I consistently ran 50 plus mile weeks, which I didn't know I could even do and even hit 60 miles, my final week before tapering for Jacksonville.

I really want to focus on the positive, therefore I am just going to add that I want to continue running strong and setting personal bests.  I am hoping to get back up to those 50 mile weeks by the end of the month and just want to enjoy my running and move closer to my personal goal of qualifying for Boston.


Title: Re: Summary of your year in running
Post by: Burt McCumber on January 01, 2010, 01:40:14 pm
How fun to read through all these and see the ones that I could put on my list.  Nice to know I'm not alone.
High Point Losing 20 lbs at the beginning of the year and basically PR'ing in every race I entered.
Low Point Gaining 10 lbs at the end of the year.  :-[

Title: Re: Summary of your year in running
Post by: Chris de Vos on January 08, 2010, 04:51:00 pm
Highs: Actually getting started with a real plan and learning to enjoy long aerobic miles; 15th place in a small, local relay race was fun, especially with no expectations going in.

Lows: The two races I actually paid solid money for, I bonked in. Building my aerobic system to avoid that in the future!

2010 Goals: Biggest one is to run high enough mileage without getting injured, and balancing the running with everything else (God, school, personal relationships) that should take higher precedence. Other than that, I'd like to PR in all distances, which I feel confident I can do.  :D

Title: Re: Summary of your year in running
Post by: dave rockness on January 08, 2010, 08:19:06 pm
"Highs":  Running Boston Marathon, got great mileage in (over 3,000), several pr's, travelling with family to run races, and seeing my children get interested in running.

"Low's":  Bad timing on illness/injuries- 2 weeks w/strep throat right before Boston, sprained ankle 5 days before 20k (still pr'd), achilles injury before Fall Marathon + horrible weather (still pr'd by 1 min), sprained ankle 1 day before next half marathon (pr'd in pace for distance), ankle/achilles pain before Thanksgiving Marathon (totally bonked), then rested/felt so great that I hurt myself on the day after Christmas.

The high's have kept me hooked and the low's have given me life lessons.  I hope to use new found wisdom to assist me in my training habits for 2010 (no "speedwork" on trails, be willing to skip a race if injured, ease way back into training).  The blog's been very encouraging...thanks guys!

Title: Re: Summary of your year in running
Post by: James Moore on January 10, 2010, 11:19:04 pm
High points: many, many good races. I'd say that this year I've gotten quite a lot of injuries, but I still ran more than ever, had tons of PRs and good places. I attribute that to really taking pressure off of myself to come back to fast from injuries. So I'm glad I've learnt that.

Low Points: My low point was way back in January when my foot just would heal. Then there was the 10th mile of RnR seattle, when I had no idea how I was going to keep going for another 16 more. :)

Title: Re: Summary of your year in running
Post by: Scott Hughes on January 11, 2010, 01:19:07 pm
First full year of running
5 marathons
5 half marathons
Bronze medal- World Senior Games
BQ- 3:28:26
competed in 19 races
Ran 5 marathons! too many in a year
Did too much in the late Spring with 2 marathons 5 weeks apart and ran marathon distances the weeks in between.
Worst marathon was Salt Lake- calves cramping for the last 11 miles.
Frustrated over not getting a Boston Qualify until the last marathon I ran for the year that I hadn't planned on running.....
Goals for 2010:
Run fewer miles with better focus on speed.
Run 2 marathons. Ogden & St. George
Have more fun!
Stay healthy
Keep my body in shape and work on getting my marathon time down to 3:15.

Title: Re: Summary of your year in running
Post by: Matthew Rowley on January 11, 2010, 02:56:10 pm
    PR at the following distances 10K, Half Marathon, and Marathon
    I took almost 10 minutes of my Half marathon time, and 30 minutes off my Marathon
    Ran 2 marathons Ogden 3:15, and St George 3:01 my previous best and only Marathon was Top of Utah 3:34
    Droping a drill on my foot 4 weeks before the St George
    Not PR in the 5K the only distance I didn't PR this year

Goals for 2010
    Run a Sub 3 hour marathon, 
    Run 2000 miles
    Stay injury free
    Not get laid off from my job,   

Title: Re: Summary of your year in running
Post by: Mikal Epperson on January 12, 2010, 05:27:47 pm
        *8 marathons
        *4 half marathons
        *first ultra: 50k race
        *Qualified for Boston
        *Ran the Grand Slam for the 3rd. year (something you can do without getting injured if you're a slower runner like me!)
        *Stayed injury-free
       *....Can't think of any...I'll have to think this through more...

Title: Re: Summary of your year in running
Post by: Burt McCumber on January 12, 2010, 05:37:27 pm
Mikal - you didn't get stung by a bee or anything?

Title: Re: Summary of your year in running
Post by: Mikal Epperson on January 13, 2010, 10:06:33 pm
No bee stings, but definitely the runners bug.  No known cure yet, just more mileage and upcoming races will have to do.  ;D 

Title: Re: Summary of your year in running
Post by: paul on January 14, 2010, 01:15:10 am
What an amazing year (actually first year) running for me firsts all around from my first 5k in March to first h/m in April  and everything since just keep my motivation as well as desire to keep improving at a maximum.Looking forward to more success in the upcoming year ;D

Title: Re: Summary of your year in running
Post by: James Winzenz on January 14, 2010, 03:53:20 pm
High: running Del Sol with Burt and his team
Lows: everything else - getting injured and having to stop running for several months (and subsequently missing SGM), gaining a bunch of weight

2010 Goals: get healthy again, lose all the weight I gained, run in some local 5K's through 1/2 marathons, but no marathons for me this year.  I will try again for a marathon in 2011.