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General Category => Random Stuff => Topic started by: Michelle Lowry on October 22, 2009, 07:37:27 pm

Title: Annual credit card fees for those who pay in full each month
Post by: Michelle Lowry on October 22, 2009, 07:37:27 pm
My Bank of America credit card may now come with an annual fee.  I guess it's not enough for them to charge the vendors 1-3% of my purchases.  They need more money to pay some seriously huge bonuses.

So does anyone have a credit card they suggest I switch to?  I have a debit card, but I think a credit card is a good way to rack up cash back (right now I get 1% back and pay no fees) and maintain a good credit history.

We could do a Costco-AMEX but Amex isn't accepted everywhere.  I guess I could just use my debit card where Amex isn't accepted.  But it'd be annoying/embarrassing to be told by some vendors it is not accepted if I whip out my Amex card without thinking.

Any other suggestions?

Title: Re: Annual credit card fees for those who pay in full each month
Post by: Traci on October 23, 2009, 07:35:03 am
We love American Express. They go the extra mile whenever any problem arises. It is a pain that some places don't take AmEx, but I think it is completely worth it. AmEx still treats their customers as valuable assets, rather than a pain in their side (like so many other companies do thise days).

Title: Re: Annual credit card fees for those who pay in full each month
Post by: Jon Allen on October 23, 2009, 08:12:15 am
I have a Citibank Dividend card- no fee, cash back.

Title: Re: Annual credit card fees for those who pay in full each month
Post by: Paul Petersen on October 23, 2009, 08:55:51 am
From what I've read, there are many debit cards now that are starting to use some sort of  rewards system. You may want to look into that.

Title: Re: Annual credit card fees for those who pay in full each month
Post by: Blaine Hawkes on October 23, 2009, 09:19:08 am
Chase does a rewards card. You do have to pay an annual fee to get it tough. I think it is $25. It also used to be that some places (car rentals, airlines) wouldn't take a debit card, but that is changing as visa and mastercard have pushed their debit cards more and more.

Title: Re: Annual credit card fees for those who pay in full each month
Post by: Matt Konold on October 23, 2009, 11:40:26 am
I have a Chase rewards (mastercard) with no annual fee.  1% cash back (redeemed in $50 chunks).  It used to give 3% on gas too until they cut that. 

Here's a good one as well: , 1% back on everything, 3% back on rotating categories (gas, supermarket, etc.), no annual fee, and $50 for signing up. 

I'm like you Michelle, and would rather not get an AMEX card.  For people who do, there is a Fidelity card that gives you 2% back on everything in the form of a deposit to a retirement account (so, basically 0% after the next market crash!!).  No annual fee on it, but you do have to have a Fidelity account. 

Title: Re: Annual credit card fees for those who pay in full each month
Post by: Benn Griffin on October 23, 2009, 10:01:47 pm
I too like Jon have the Citibank DIVIDEND card (a Visa), and haven't had any problems. Have used it for over a year now and have got over 180 bucks back in cash! Which means that Citibank has paid for 3-4 people to eat at my wedding next year! Woohoo!

Title: Re: Annual credit card fees for those who pay in full each month
Post by: Michelle Lowry on October 24, 2009, 10:27:24 am
If you fed people McDonalds it would be more like 30 people if you do value meals or 45 if you let them choose 4 things off the dollar menu  ;D