Fast Running Blog

General Category => Running => Topic started by: Scott on June 24, 2009, 10:50:48 pm

Title: First Marathon...Help!
Post by: Scott on June 24, 2009, 10:50:48 pm
I have just finished my last training run for my first marathon attempt ever.  It is this Saturday's Rock and Roll Marathon in Seattle.  I feel I am as ready as I can be, but am wondering if there is anything extra I should be doing in the next couple of day to prepare while I am resting my legs.  Any suggestions are welcome from you experts?  Thanks in advance.


Title: Re: First Marathon...Help!
Post by: Maurine Lee on June 25, 2009, 07:36:21 am
Hydrate with lots of water and gatorade and push good carbohydrates.  Sleep as much as you can tonight and let your legs recover.  I sometimes will go to a chiropractor the week before a marathon to get a 'tune-up' and make sure everything is functioning smoothly.

Title: Re: First Marathon...Help!
Post by: Matthew Rowley on June 25, 2009, 07:38:41 am
I am not an expert, but at this point just relax.  I know this can be a hard thing to do.  You have finished your training.  Try and keep you legs loose and make sure you hydrate and eat good carbs.

Title: Re: First Marathon...Help!
Post by: Jon Allen on June 25, 2009, 08:54:59 am
Eat, drink, and rest.  But don't do nothing- I always do a few short runs that last few days (3-6 miles)- easy pace, but throw in a few striders to keep your legs moving.  Doing the easy runs keeps my legs from feeling sluggish and helps me sleep better.

Good luck!

Title: Re: First Marathon...Help!
Post by: Sasha Pachev on June 25, 2009, 11:26:50 am
I agree with Jon, and especially with Matt. Your best possible finish time has already been decided. You just do not know what it is. Now is the matter of not doing anything odd that would prevent you from running that time.

Title: Re: First Marathon...Help!
Post by: Dallen on June 25, 2009, 04:49:42 pm
Just don't do anything that you've never done before. No new food, no new diet, no new clothes, no new training ideas. Take it easy, rest up and have fun.

Also, don't expect a perfect performance on race day. I suggest looking at your first marathon as a practice run for your second marathon. There is a steep learning curve.

Title: Re: First Marathon...Help!
Post by: Scott on June 26, 2009, 07:11:16 am
Thanks for the responses all!  I am approaching this with one main goal...FINISH!  No visions of grandeur here.  24 hours away and I am starting to get excited.  I will hold back in the beginning and hope that all the training will get me to the end.  I will report here when it is over with my PR!  :)

Title: Re: First Marathon...Help!
Post by: Maurine Lee on June 26, 2009, 07:43:21 am
Just enjoy the entire day.  It will be tough - but there is nothing like finishing that first marathon - and you only do it once.

Title: Re: First Marathon...Help!
Post by: Scott on June 29, 2009, 08:57:27 am
I DID IT!  First marathon is in the books.  4:19:52  Had to actually kick after 26.18 miles to break 4:20  :o  Thank you all for all your responses and help.  It was an awesome experience and I may actually decide to do another one! hahaha  How long does one usually wait after a first marathon to start doing some running again.  I am definitely still tender and know I can't run yet, but not feeling as bad as I thought I would.  Thanks again!

Title: Re: First Marathon...Help!
Post by: Sasha Pachev on July 01, 2009, 11:23:11 am
You can start running again as soon as you can run without limping. You can even start sooner if the horses are neighing and if the limping goes away after a warm-up.