I'm kind of a fan of Daniels' training regimen, but I stumbled across this site, and now I'm not sure I understand his suggestions:
http://www.coacheseducation.com/endur/jack-daniels-dec-00.htmThe way I thought it was supposed to work was like this:
Phase 1: Mainly easy mileage and long runs--The time to get your miles up
Phase 2: Add 20-25 minute threshold runs--Continuing to build your aerobic base
Phase 3: Add 4-6 miles of VO2max intervals
Phase 4: Add Specific-endurance type intervals--Final race preparations
But Daniels' article above says to train the phases in this order: 1-4-3-2
Since I've been running primarily easy, long, and threshold runs, I was going to add the VO2 stuff soon. But should I be focusing more on the fast reps instead?